Thursday, January 20, 2011

Unrespected Foreigners vs. Respected Citizens

Foreigners alarmed by Swiss expulsion vote

This is my second article review for German project. Even though this article about Switzerland, I must do it. Article talks about issue that not only Swiss, but many other countries are facing “What to do with immigrants that break the law?” Well, it was a no-brainer for Swiss “On Sunday some 53 per cent of voters backed a rightwing initiative for the automatic expulsion of non-Swiss offenders convicted of crimes ranging from murder to breaking and entry and social security fraud.”
     In my opinion Swiss made a right decision, this is a good example for other countries with the same issues. I believe that when you enter, as a guest, another country you need to adapt or respect their rules of living. I am not saying you have to kiss their ass and beg for mercy, but you just have to obey the rules. The only thing Swiss are asking is to obey the rules and do what you want to do on your spare time. Swiss respect foreigners, they just disrespect criminals. The only country that disrespects foreigners is Norway. It sounds retarded but this is how it is, Norway deported a “Norwegian Citizen of the Year.” Swiss seems like stand by their motto-“One for all, all for one”, and that why it is one of the richest and one of the least problematical countries. 

1 comment:

  1. Illegal Immigration seems to be a groing problem not only in the United States, but every where else around the world. With the threat of terrorism at an all time high, countries around the world are determined to protect their borders.
    I have been surprised to see that many of the issues other countries are facing seem to be the same issue we find ourselves attending to here in America. There must be policies in place to not allow illegal immigrants to come and go whenever they please, but we should protect those children that have been born into a country not of their parents origin.
    I believe that as long as there are countries that are going through political and fiancial struggles there will be those longing for a better life. So maybe we should concentrate a little more on why these immigrants are coming, rather than the amount in numbers.
